Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin)
The Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, RSB) dates back to the beginnings of music broadcasting in 1923. The orchestra’s chief conductors, including Sergiu Celibidache, Eugen Jochum and Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, have all helped to create the ensemble’s exceptional sound. Since its foundation, important composers such as Sergey Prokofiev, Richard Strauss and Igor Stravinsky have conducted the orchestra as well as promising young conductors such as Andris Nelsons, Vasily Petrenko, Jakub Hrůša and Lahav Shani. Alongside regular tours of Asia the orchestra also appears at German and European festivals. Since completing the ten-part Wagner cycle in 2013 the orchestra has secured its place among Europe’s top concert orchestras. From 2002 to 2015 Marek Janowski was chief conductor and artistic director of the RSB. Vladimir Jurowski has been named as his successor, starting in the 2017–18 season. The RSB is part of the Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre GmbH Berlin (roc berlin).