Zdeněk Fibich (1850 - 1900)

A late contemporary of Dvořák, the Czech composer Fibich had much of his musical training in Germany – Leipzig and later Mannheim. His music, in consequence, often seems less Czech than German. He contributed to the repertoire of Czech opera and, less usually, concert melodrama for reciter and orchestra, and wrote a quantity of songs and instrumental music, all demonstrating his masterly technical competence.

Orchestral Music

Fibich left three completed symphonies, as well as a number of symphonic poems (inspiration for Smetana and for Dvořák) and overtures.

Piano Music

The most remarkable of the piano compositions of Fibich is the series of 376 pieces under the title Moods, Impressions and Reminiscences, in which he graphically records his final liaison with his pupil, Anna Schulzová.